Graphic Design

Social Media

Banners & video banners

Pars & Cage Facebookbanner by TK Droneservice

The banner of your Facebook page is the first thing a visitor sees. It catches the eye, especially if it's a video. The video can be packed with lots of information about your page or it can set the tone on what the visitor may find on your feed.

This doesn't mean you can't just use a picture. It might be extra useful to announce upcoming shows or exhibitions, like a huge save the date announcement every time someone visits your page. Of course, this can also be done with a video, but it depends on the message you try to send and on your audience. 

An elderly person, for example, might not like fast, flashy videos and prefer an informative picture where younger people would pay more attention to an energetic video full of colors.

Berrix artist announcement at Suburban by TK Droneservice


Creating social media content can be a tedious task and that's where we step in!

By sending us a few videos, photos or just some ideas we can create the content for you. Don't just think about Facebook or Instagram posts. Also think about ads for your product, an introduction of your staff or your business.

Besides, we can also do quick, simple photo editing. You don't have to pay a full hour if we only need 15 minutes to remove an object from your photo and enhance the colors. 


Logo design

Concept design

A logo is what defines your business and the first thing people see visiting your website, social media page, your office and the last thing they'll see on the bottom of your e-mail or on an invoice after a successful project.

Our team will go the extra mile to create the logo which suits your business. Together we will figure out some keywords and try to recreate that message with your logo. 


Even if you already have a logo, we would love to help you with everything you need to get started. Business cards, beach flags, logo animation, ... 

A custom PowerPoint template and some hand drawn icons that perfectly match your logo can be a way to really step up your game for your next sales pitch.

Flyers made and illustrated by TK Droneservice


Icons, a get well soon card, infographics, an invitation, ... With our own unique drawing style, we can create custom illustrations for your business, project or your friends.

We mainly make 2D vector illustrations, which means you can scale them without losing quality. You can use the same illustration for your website and for your office wall for example. 

Illustrations are a great way to explain certain complex topics or procedures to your clients and colleagues. Illustrating statistics might provide better insights. It's easier to understand how big a pile of scrap metal is when you can compare it to everyday items such as books or cars. 

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